Image Management

We help clients to manage their image by implementing various tactics and strategies that help to shape and enhance their reputation. Some of the ways we help them manage the image of their Company or product are by:

  1. Media Relations: By developing and maintaining positive relationships with the media. This may involve issuing press releases, arranging interviews, and proactively managing any negative press that may arise.
  2. Brand management: By creating and executing a brand strategy that aligns with the client’s values and goals. This may involve developing brand messaging, creating brand guidelines, and executing marketing campaigns that help to reinforce the brand’s image.
  3. Crisis management: In the event of a crisis, such as a product recall or negative publicity, we can help clients to manage their image by developing and executing a crisis communications plan. This may involve issuing official statements, managing media inquiries, and conducting damage control to minimize the impact of the crisis on the client’s reputation.
  4. Social media management: By creating and executing a social media strategy that aligns with the client’s goals and values. This may involve creating and publishing content, monitoring and responding to comments and messages, and managing social media advertising campaigns.
  5. Content creation: By creating and distributing content that reinforces the client’s brand and values. This may include writing and publishing blog posts, creating infographics, and producing videos and other visual content.
  6. Reputation management: We also help clients to manage their image by monitoring their online reputation and proactively addressing any negative comments or reviews that may arise. This may involve responding to comments, conducting online reputation management campaigns, and developing and implementing strategies for improving the client’s online reputation.

Overall, we help clients to manage their image by implementing various tactics and strategies that help to shape and enhance their reputation. By working with us, clients can ensure that their image is consistent, positive, and aligned with their values and goals.

Image is Everything

One example of an Indian company that has used image management extensively is Tata Group. Tata Group is a conglomerate that operates in various industries such as automotive, steel, telecommunications, and hospitality. It is one of the largest companies in India and has a global presence.

Tata Group has always prioritized its brand image and reputation. It has invested in creating a consistent brand identity across its various businesses. The company has a strong logo that features its name in bold letters. This logo is used across all its businesses and helps to create a sense of unity and coherence.

Tata Group also invests heavily in advertising and marketing. It has launched several high-profile advertising campaigns over the years, including the “We Also Make Steel” campaign, which highlighted the company’s diverse range of businesses. The company has also run campaigns that focused on its commitment to social responsibility and sustainability.

In addition to advertising, Tata Group also utilizes public relations extensively. The company has a team of communication professionals who work to manage its reputation and build relationships with key stakeholders. Tata Group regularly engages with the media, hosts events, and participates in conferences to showcase its brand and thought leadership.

Tata Group also invests in building relationships with its employees. The company has a strong employer brand and is known for its employee-friendly policies. Tata Group has been recognized as one of the best employers in India and has received several awards for its HR practices.

Overall, Tata Group’s commitment to image management has played a crucial role in its success. The company’s strong brand image and reputation have helped it to differentiate itself from competitors and attract customers, employees, and investors. The company’s focus on social responsibility and sustainability has also helped it to build a positive reputation and contribute to the development of the communities it operates in.


When Nestle ran into Trouble

In 2015, Maggi faced a major crisis when it was found to contain excess levels of lead and monosodium glutamate (MSG), which posed a health risk to consumers. The issue came to light when the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) ordered a recall of all Maggi products in the country.

Maggi’s initial response to the crisis was inadequate, and it failed to manage the situation effectively. The company was slow to respond to the issue, and its messaging was inconsistent and confusing. Maggi’s initial statement claimed that its products were safe and that the excess levels of lead and MSG were due to incorrect testing methods. However, this claim was later disproved, and the company had to issue a public apology.

The crisis damaged Maggi’s brand image and reputation severely. The company was criticized for putting profits over consumer safety, and many consumers lost trust in the brand. Maggi’s sales plummeted, and the company faced several lawsuits and regulatory penalties.

In response to the crisis, Maggi took several measures to rebuild its brand image and regain consumer trust. It revamped its manufacturing process, improved its quality control measures, and introduced new product variants. The company also launched a massive advertising campaign that focused on its commitment to quality and safety.

While Maggi has managed to recover some of its lost ground, the crisis had a lasting impact on its brand image and reputation. The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of image management and the need for companies to prioritize consumer safety and transparency.